Wednesday, July 1, 2015

ORD>Denver>LAX>Independence Day

Summer is heating up and things are happening.

Last Thursday evening, I took the subway to O'hare after work.
I flew to Denver, and drove up into the mountains to attend the wedding of my pal Greg Haberer.  I hiked Rocky Mountain National Park.  Everything in Colorado is green right now.

Sunday evening, up on the hill at Red Rocks Amphitheater, I watched a lighting storm play out over distant downtown Denver.

Monday at 6AM I flew into LAX for mexican food, and to work on some commercials, and film stuff.  I stopped into Chez Jay for a beer.

Late last night I caught a crowded and turbulent flight home.

Tonight at a restaurant downtown on the Chicago River, my Mother will have her retirement party. She's celebrating her 47 year career in advertising.

Today I'll produce some radio commercials.

This weekend I'll celebrate the 4th of July anchored off Chicago, listening to The Grateful Dead play a sold-out Soldier Field.

Happy Independence Day Chicago.  Happy Independence Day America.  Happy Independence Day Mom.

Enjoy your summer.